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Rover Pet Products Blog

That Dog Shop

by Bryan Delforce 14 Mar 2022 0 comments
That Dog Shop
Business Spotlight #2 – That Dog Shop


Hey there Melissa! Tell us about That Dog Shop! We see you’re both located in Australia and you make here! Tell us about what you guys do!

Hey guys! I started That Dog Shop in 2018 after moving to Melbourne from Sydney for my husband’s work. I make personalised dog bandanas for everyday wear and special occasions like pregnancy announcements and weddings.  I had been sewing for several years and it seemed like a natural progression to end up manufacturing my stock here in Australia. Keeping my business Australian owned and made has always been at the heart of my business plan.  

Can I be cheeky and ask if your inspo for your biz is your own fur baby?

Oh definitely! Everyone who knows me will know how obsessed I am with my two babies Ringo & Dash. They test out new styles for me and keep me company in my office while I work.

Here at Rover Pet Products we are proud local manufacturers, you are too, what makes you so passionate about manufacturing in Australia?

Growing up in the 90s, local manufacturing was pretty common. You could pick up clothing in a department store and it wouldn’t be unusual to see “Made in Australia”. Nowadays it’s rare unless you actively look for it. Even though my contribution may be small, I’m proud to keep my manufacturing within Australia. 

In addition, it means I can monitor quality and ensure sustainability is maintained.

What do you love most about running That Dog Shop?

I’m fortunate to have the best customers who send me plenty of dog photos! They always make my day. I have loved seeing my business grow with the work I have put into it. But really, I just love creating and making people happy.

What do you find most challenging about manufacturing in Australia?

I try to source as much of my business supplies within Australia as possible, but this can be difficult. Covid has unfortunately led to rising costs of supplies as well. The challenge with any business is that there is always someone who will sell a product cheaper. I ensure my products are made to the highest standards, so that the average customer can see the difference between my products and others.

Where do you see That Dog Shop in 5 years?

Within 5 years I’d love to consider a shop front here in Melbourne. Of course, I would love to continue to see the business grow and expand our range which would see us move to a bigger premises. Fingers crossed!

 Want to know more? Check out Melissa's website here and her Facebook here!

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